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Bracelet could 'warn' of sunburn

"Researchers in Glasgow have developed an early warning sunburn indicator."

Category: Radiation


Biomass energy 'could be harmful'

"Biomass power - such as burning wood for energy - could do more harm than good in the battle to reduce greenhouse gases, the Environment Agency warns."

Category: Energy sources


The environment is too important to be left to the green movement

"Will Hutton: The green movement as it stands should receive the last rites. It is time to move on "


World will not meet 2C warming target, climate change experts agree

"Guardian poll reveals almost nine out of 10 climate experts do not believe current political efforts will keep warming below 2C"

Category: Climate Change


Standing watch over a crowded space

Crashing satellites: "...experts had been warning for years that useable space was becoming crowded, boosting the possibility of a serious collision."

Category: Space

Displaying results 1291 to 1295 out of 2977